Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety Policy

Quality, Environmental and Health & Safety Policy

Horizont Global Sp.
z o.o. Sp.
consciously undertook activities in the sphere of quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management system, bearing in mind the satisfaction of customers, employees and respect for the environment, as well as the interests of other stakeholders, especially suppliers and the local environment.
We treat quality, environmental and health and safety management as one of the priorities of the Company’s management.
Using many years of experience, the Company’s considerable potential and the knowledge of our employees and subcontractors in our work, we focus on the best possible understanding and fulfillment of customer requirements.
Our motto is harmonious coexistence with the environment and stakeholders based on
model of sustainable development in an ecological, social and ethical context, in particular with a view to future generations.
We strive to respect the stated above principles within the Company as well as by our suppliers.

We commit to:

  • to comply with legal and other compliance requirements applicable to our business and customer requirements,
  • to incorporate these requirements into our internal regulations, to protect the environment, including to prevent pollution,
  • Ensure safe and hygienic working conditions to prevent work-related injuries and health ailments
  • Eliminate hazards and mitigate health and safety risks,
  • consultation and participation of employees in the integrated management system.

In order to implement this policy, we are pursuing the following strategic objectives:

  • Adherence to agreed scopes and deadlines and high quality of services
  • Responding to the changing needs and requirements of our customers,
  • Conducting rational management of water, waste, energy,
  • Raising environmental and health and safety awareness among employees, customers and suppliers,
  • Informing stakeholders about our activities in the context of environmental protection and health and safety,
  • Continuously increasing the use of energy-efficient information technology and increasing the use of energy-efficient vehicles and equipment.

We implement this policy in particular by:

  • Regular evaluation of cleanliness and customer satisfaction surveys and taking action as needed,
  • Determining the scope and implementation of services with the support of technical advisors from companies supplying professional equipment and cleaning products,
  • Improving service delivery processes to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment and on stakeholders,
  • Sourcing from suppliers that guarantee deliveries in accordance with our requirements including quality, environment and health and safety,
  • Preventing accidents through training and maintaining high safety standards that minimize the risk of potential accident situations,
  • Planning and implementation of measures to prevent accidents and environmental pollution and measures to reduce their effects,
  • Use of a specific system for obtaining and training employees,
  • Maintain confidentiality of information related to the client’s business,
  • Prevention of any discrimination,
  • Taking only actions that comply with the law in terms of quality, environmental protection and health and safety.

We are committed to continuous improvement of our integrated quality, environmental and health and safety management system.
On behalf of the Company, we declare that we will continue to make efforts and resources to ensure that this policy is fully implemented.

EcoVadis Procleaner certyfikat
ISO 9001
ISO 14001:2015
Certyfikat Horizont Global DL 45001_2018-1
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